18 shared bedroom ideas for teenage sisters
Designing alittle kids' sleeping room is tough, particularly once the area is shared. Common among siblings, shared rooms are often the dimensions of an everyday bedroom, however they should contain doubly the furniture, belongings, and personalities. With most packed into such a good space, a small shared kids' room may be a direction for frequent arguments. To keep a incommodious room in check (and your kids' fighting at bay), you'll need to include some artistic bedroom storage and space-saving tips. Check out these shared bedroom concepts for tiny rooms to make a double-duty space that works for everyone.
Keep the furniture layout symmetrical to make the most of a small bedroom. Here, two twin beds split one wall and feature identical bedding and headboards for a cohesive look. A dresser tucks neatly between the two and serves as a storage-packed nightstand.
For siblings who don't get along 100% of the time, it's best to create boundaries in their shared bedroom. Here, a short wall divides two matching twin beds. With both their heads to the wall, they'll hardly notice the other person in the room at night. Drawers underneath give each kid their own storage and leave the center of the room as a middle ground for play dates and activities.
When it comes to small spaces, white walls are a great way to keep things light and airy. For kids who want a little splash of color, try accenting a neutral wall with a simple geometric design. To create these mountainlike triangles, simply tape off the pattern and paint on two colors. No whole-room paint job or wallpapering necessary!
If arguments are common between your children, go the extra mile to make sure a small shared bedroom is a fight-free zone. By splitting the room exactly in half, each kid gets their own space and doesn't need to worry about a sibling's clothing or toys getting in their way. It helps if they can at least agree on a decor theme, too!
Sharing a bedroom is hard enough, let alone in a small space. Gain extra storage with custom furniture pieces like this bed frame with built-in drawers. This space-saving bunk bed is ideal for small rooms. The pullout compartments make under-bed storage more accessible, while the stacked beds save floor space for playtime.
Even the most awkward spaces can fit a shared bedroom, and this staircase platform is proof. Similar to a trundle bed, one person sleeps slightly above the next, so this solution is ideal for close siblings. Tight quarters? Sure. Totally stylish shared bedroom idea? Absolutely.
Open up a cramped space with bright, light colors. A few coats of white paint helped transform this dark attic space into an airy retreat. Pops of color in the bedding and rugs make this small kids' room the perfect playroom getaway.
The key to kids' bedroom ideas for small rooms is to make everything equal. Be sure each kid has the same amount of space and storage for their needs. Aim for furniture with an even number of drawers so everything can be split equally.
When decorating your guest room, consider twin bed ideas for small rooms in place of one king-size bed. Not all guests will be comfortable sleeping in the same bed, and this solution makes sure no one ends up on the couch. A desk between beds adds functional space for getting homework done.
This beach house guest room is little, but clever small shared bedroom ideas make it feel spacious. Use light and bright colors when putting together a shared room where guests will stay. A neutral palette will please any guest, and the refreshing natural light makes spaces appear larger.
Inset bunk beds for small rooms can really save floor space. This functional setup is built directly into the wall, allowing for a double desk and a window seat to fit in the room. While adding built-ins may be a hefty makeover, the end result is totally worth it.